A: As part of setting your date you need to book your clergy. It is amazing how often two or more people want the same date.

A: Absolutely; Interfaith, interdenominational, non-denominational services such as Christian-Jewish, are always special when both traditions are represented.

A: Your wedding has a short term focus as the public celebration of your commitment to live together as a couple. It entails a myriad of details: flowers, dresses, venues, music, dinner, dancing, ceremony, photos, etc. Your marriage has a long term focus as the spiritual joining of two people around shared values, communication styles, and an appreciation of each other's differences and a stated common vision of your emerging collective story.

A: Pre-marital counseling is not required but certainly preferred. This preparation can take place through individual meetings or in a one-day pre-marriage retreat facilitated by my wife Pat and I who are both social workers. See description of retreat here.

A: Divorce is a reality of life. While it contains elements of loss, people must continue their lives. Remarriage is a commitment to bringing joy and love back into your life. I have performed many weddings for divorced people and will continue to do so.

A. Yes! The vows you write are always the best ones whether you write part of them in a larger ceremony or all of them.

A: When you are certain you want me to officiate at your wedding you pay a non-refundable 50% of the total stipend to hold that date for you so I can turn down anyone else who may request the same date. The balance is due on or before the date of the wedding.

A: As far as you wish, but mutually agreed upon traveling expenses could be added.

A: Yes, I am licensed by the City Clerk's Office of NYC to perform weddings in all 5 boroughs.

A: You can obtain a wedding license in the court house of the community or county of the wedding. However, the license is a state license and good anywhere within the state. Before the ceremony you give me the license which I'll have your two designated witnesses sign along with myself, and then I'll send it back to the issuing courthouse.

A. First: We may meet somewhere in-between where we both live, such as a coffee shop, to get to know each other or we have Skype call. I'll answer all your questions and you'll tell me about what kind of wedding service you would like.

Second: Upon receipt of your deposit of 50% of the stipend, I send you the weblinks to complete the Myers-Briggs and FOCCUS surveys.

Third: Upon completion we schedule and appointment where you attend a one day retreat to review the information gleamed from the surveys.

Fourth: I send you in electronic format a PDF that contains a wide range of readings, vows and prayers that you make your choice from for your ceremony, other sources can be used as well. Our goal is to create "your ceremony - your way!"

Fifth: I create a draft of your ceremony and send it to you for your final review and acceptance.

Sixth: We together present a soul-filled and joyful expression of your marriage to your family and friends.

A: As you and I will have created and gone over the ceremony together in detail, it is usually not necessary for me to attend the rehearsals which are handled by the wedding coordinator at your venue. Rehearsals primarily deal with how the bridal party walks in, where they stand and how they walk out.

A: For more information about wedding customs and accessories go to (myspiritualwedding.com)

A: Contact me @ Office: 203.513.2352, Cell: 719.534.3338 or e-mail me at jimfrancek@ceremonieswithoutboundaries.com